I always love you
I was tired today. It’s been a busy week, and this was a rough morning. I was sad, and I was a bit grumpy. The kids started to act up, and I got pretty upset. I got too mad, and quickly regretted it.
I went to the girls and told them I was so sorry. I started to cry because I just felt so bad, and so frustrated inside today. Do you ever feel like there is no one who would really understand how you are feeling? I knew that if I prayed, there was One who would understand, but after being so grumpy at my girls, I didn’t feel like I could honestly and worthily ask for help and understanding.
As I cried and tried to apologize to my girls, my 4-year-old quickly jumped up and ran to me and threw her arms around me, and said, “Oh, mommy! We forgive you! We just always love you.“
I hugged her close and just breathed in her loving little soul. The girls all forgave me and hugged me, and I was taught such a lesson in those few moments. What astonishing truths we learn from our children. I felt such love and such compassion from my children, and through them, I felt it from the Lord, too. It was as though I could hear Him saying to me, “I forgive you. I just always love you.”
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