Choosing love
“In the name of what?”
As I have watched what has happened to America following the attacks, I have been stunned. I feel like I am screaming in the corner, begging so many of my friends to have sense. As the frenzy has turned us ever further from love and ever deeper into fear, I, too, feel the need to scream of our country’s actions, “Not in my name.”
In spite of the fact that Paris has allowed even more refugees to come since the attacks, the American world is going crazy and I feel like a tide is washing over me, and though I haven’t given in to the fear that so many are feeling, I have felt an overwhelming despair at what is happening.
I keep thinking of my friends in Denver. Refugees who always calmed me and helped me see the bigger picture. Mamas. Women with more strength than I have ever had. I miss them. I wonder how this is making them feel.
As usual, my girls are pulling me back from the dark.
When we told them about what was happening, they instantly leapt to action. Children are wonderful. They do not despair. They move.
The girls asked where our nearest refugees are and what they could do for them. They started putting lists together, doing research, making fliers, and knitting scarves.
They chose love and action, not despair and fear.
The faith of a child can still change the world.
Choose love.
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