It’s spring. We’ve still got plenty of snow, but the air is warmer and the snow is melting a little more each day. Our roads are a mix of lots of mud and lots of ice.
Though I always mourn the passing of winter, the loss of quiet in our little mountain, I cannot help but feel the thrill of an earth returning to life.
The small patches of earth that are showing through are wild with the smell of possibility.
The sun shines longer and more insistently, telling me each day to be brave and get ready for new mountains.
The cranes have returned and their wild call echoes through the pines.
Water rushes in the rivers as the melt is progressing. Soon the park roads will open again and we’ll see the waterfalls bursting their borders.
My own heart is beating with more courage and new determination, to overcome all that I once was and to become a new and reborn person.
I always see my children differently this time of year. Their little hearts quicken, as well, and new purpose comes into their eyes. Our winter has hardly been a sedate one, but somehow, spring asks more of us.
What a miracle it is to have daughters.
Our oldest is nearly 13. It’s almost like having a new baby again. I find myself wanting to watch her all the time, because she seems to grow and change with each passing day, even minute. I am so proud as I see her try new things, but I love the moments when we are all tucked safely in together at night.
“Spring work is going on with joyful enthusiasm.” – John Muir
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