Easter Thoughts

As I stand here in the kitchen, preparing Easter dinner for my family, and reflecting on the remarkable and uplifting Conference we’ve been able to watch this weekend, my thoughts are humbled.  I am amazed, constantly, at the complete love of Christ, our Savior.

I want to take a moment to say that I know that He is the Son of God.  I know He was sent to show us the way, and to make it possible for us to return to live again with our Father.  I know that it is because of Him that I have my life, and I know that He has suffered everything, so that I can be forgiven, and so that I can be comforted.  I know that because of Him, our family can be together forever.

I am forever grateful and full of love this Easter for Christ, my Savior.  I know that all of our lives are fragile, precious, and a miracle.  I want mine to be full of service to Him, who gave everything to me.

Have a wonderful Easter, and know you are loved.

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