The best daddy in the world

On Saturday, someone from Matt’s work was having a barbeque. Matt had been looking forward to it for a couple of weeks. We got everyone ready and headed out, but things fell apart pretty quickly after driving for a little while. The girls were just having a rough day. Our youngest was not feeling well and crying, and soon the girls were all pretty weepy.

We made it about halfway and stopped to let the girls go to the bathroom. We were running a little late, like always, and I felt bad that we were kind of spoiling what Matt had been looking forward to for the weekend. It’s hard to describe how little free time he has.

But, when we came out, instead of finding an impatient man who was irritated at his crying women and anxious to get back on the road to his barbeque, we found a kind and loving daddy, who let his girls look at a water fountain and run and play. We found a daddy who decided not to put his tired girls through another long stint in the car and a barbeque where they’d have to sit and be quiet, likely being the only children. Instead, he took us to Dairy Queen and laughed with us and bought us ice cream. I think you can see from the chocolatey faces how much we Love our daddy. (Poor little Bug-a-boo was pretty miserable, but I think she liked the ice cream anyway. :) I’ll write more later about what we didn’t know about that poor little kiddo at the time.)

The thing is, he’s like this all the time. He’s absolutely marvellous. I’m sorry ladies, I saw him first. He’s mine. :)

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