
I’ve been doing well lately. I’ve been happy, and my spirits have been good. But the past couple of days I have felt myself slipping a bit. I know how tremendously blessed my life is. But for over a week now I have been in a great deal of pain and have hardly been able to walk, let alone take care of the house and kids! That has worn on me. I have really tried to be good about it, but it has started to wear on me. I’ve never had an experience quite like this before, and it has been a small challenge. In addition, I have a baby with an ear infection, who I am also trying to wean, and a child whose asthma has flared. I felt a bit alone this morning, surrounded by mess, crying girls, and very ouchy knees. I could feel my spirits failing me a bit and I prayed sincerely for help. I called a lady in the ward to give my excuses for not being able to attend an event today, and felt so down and felt like I looked so ridiculous. I was surprised by not only her kindness, but by all that we found to talk about. I think we both felt better after the conversation was done, and later I found flowers and some supplements to help my knees by my front door. I felt so loved. I didn’t feel so alone, and I was reminded of all the truly incredible blessings of my life.

So even though I’m still in a messy house with silly ouchy knees and crying girls today, I have these flowers by my window that remind me that our prayers are answered and we are loved and not alone. :)

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