Settling in
This morning I woke up before everyone. I didn’t want to go back to sleep, but after a long night with the wee one, I wasn’t ready to leave the warm blankets, either.
I laid and watched the snow for an hour.
There was a time in my life when this would have seemed like completely wasted time.
It doesn’t any more. My body may be still, but my mind and spirit are very active.
We’re back from our long trip. There are so many incredible things about this Yoga for Congo season that I am still processing. I can’t wait to try to actually articulate some of them.
We are getting back into our little groove. Today we started our igloo. We made play dough. We watched the white swans against the white snow and one of our favorite moose visited us. My heart thrills at the coming of the Christmas season. The girls and I are making our plans.
I’m looking so forward to this time of snow shoes and cold toes, of igloos and hot cocoa, of warm socks and piles of fabric and projects.
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