
I find that my life is caught up in a season of change right now. So much is changing, in my heart, mind, and life.

It is interesting to feel this period of change come during this time of the year. I love autumn. I love the colors, the smells, the crisp air, the warm, comforting foods I make my family.

But it is striking just how much everything changes. Leaves, once green and lush, dry up, turn colors, and blow away. The air grows colder. Everything is more exposed.

The change is often painful. It is hard to say good-bye to summer loveliness, knowing that after this brief period of change, a long winter is coming.

So why is it that I love this season of change so very much?

I have thought about that a lot this week, as I have watched the leaves blow by.

Change can be difficult. Change and growth are often painful. Yet, the season of change, autumn, is the most glorious of the year.

Could it be that the seasons of change in our lives are the most glorious, as well?

I believe so.

It is only by going through those changing periods, at times painful, cold, and stark, that we become the beauty that is waiting underneath. Something about the change and the cold can help to bring out the very best, the most lovely, within each of us, if we let it.

As I look back on my life, the difficult periods, the changing periods, are the ones most golden and lovely to me, because without them, I wouldn’t have what I have in my heart. I wouldn’t be who I am now. I wouldn’t feel what I feel.

Thank Thee, Father, for the glorious changing seasons, both on our lovely earth, and in our lives.

(PS – Lesson learned from fall picture day? When life dumps you in a cold, muddy pond, keep smiling.) :)

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