Sand in my bed…
Today while Matt and I did yard work outside, the baby slept in our bed and the other girls played out in the sand box. They had a great time. Right as it was time to come in, we could hear the baby crying on the baby monitor. I told the girls to go on in and wash their hands and take off their shoes. They did so, and our day went on.
I just barely put the baby down in my bed for a nap again, and I laid down on my pillow to look at her for a minute. My pillow was scratchy. Very scratchy. And the sheets felt grainy.
I think someone got in my bed before they washed up from the sand box. :) Maybe a few someones, who were trying to help their baby sister stop crying. :)
The yard work went really well today. Matt did such a great job, getting the outside looking so nice so we can sell the house. We put a really cute little scalloped edge around the front, with lots of nice red mulch around the tree and the irises. As we stepped back to look at the work, we were so happy with how it turned out, but so sad, too. We felt so sad that we have lived here all these years and never invested the relatively small amount of money that it took to make our little home look so much better.
How often do we put off something that we know we should do? I find myself, so many times, knowing that there is a part of myself, or something that I don’t do, but that I should, and I think, “Someday, I think I’ll be better at that,” or, “Someday, I’ll change that.” Looking at my little home today made me realize that there are things in myself that I do want to change, things that I know would make me better. Why am I putting them off? I am going to try to stop doing that. :)
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