Waking up

The oxygen guys came the other day, and they took everything away.  Tanks, compressors, pulse/ox, everything.

All that was left to remind me was miles of tubing and cannula strewn across the house.

Once the oxygen was gone, I felt like I could finally breathe.  My baby was completely mine again.

And though her little body is still recovering, and her little lungs are healing, I feel like I am finally waking up again.

Though so much is going on, and often I feel tempted to be completely overwhelmed by it all, I feel like I have more glimpses that are full of joy.

More conviction and certain faith that it will all work out.

More desire to take advantage of the time I have with each of them.

(St. Patty’s Day in Denver with six littles = adventure.)

I feel so blessed.  In the midst of all of the chaos, I feel so, so blessed.

And if you’re wondering how this wee one is doing these days…

She’s an angel.  Thank you, with all of my heart, for loving and praying for her.  I feel like I will never be able to thank everyone enough.  I’ll never be able to thank God enough.

Blessed am I. :)



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