Finding the joy
These pictures are old, but I keep thinking about them this week. They make me laugh.
Let’s not sugarcoat it. Things have been really hard lately. Illness has seemed to stretch on without end for several of my children. Everything that accompanies such a trial is hard.
Everyone goes through trials. There are really dark, difficult times in store for each of us in this life.
I have found peace this week as I have realized that I have truly done all that I can both physically and spiritually for my family. If it isn’t part of the plan for me that they get well immediately, then my job is to endure it well. It’s given me a new focus.
It’s amazing that when your attitude shifts, the light comes back.
Nothing changes, but everything changes.
Joy comes through sorrow sometimes. The sorrow highlights all that you really do have. It strips away the unimportant and leaves you with what is actually real and vibrant in your life. I’m grateful for that.
Joy cometh in the morning.
“Joy and sorrow are twinborn. […] The joy is not in arriving, but in getting better each time a new challenge is thrown your way, each time you learn in a new situation. Joy comes not from having a pain-free life but from conquering the obstacles, even when they are painful. If our children can see us enduring well and finding laughter, humor, and joy in the process, I think some of this will rub off on them. It will take many conversations, sometimes late at night, early in the morning, and all the times in between, but it is worth it.”
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