My lovelies.
I had a chance the other day to snap a few pictures of my babes before the moose and the bear crossed our path. :)
My sweet, oldest child. She is growing more comfortable in her own skin since we moved. It has been a miracle, watching her relax into herself. The loveliness in her eyes shines through and her little spirit is more rested.
My free spirited little surfer-girl. She is my watcher. Always doing something a little different than the rest. Growing more vocal about her thoughts each day.
The conscience. The exact, yet so very tender and kind, daughter. Nothing escapes her attention. The one with her father’s sense of humor.
The sweet, sweet, so very happy child. So tender and forgiving. She tries to be angry sometimes, but can’t do it very well.
The soul-seer. She is turning into such a big, kind, gentle girl. Still wonderfully wild, but good and gentle and kind. And frighteningly soul-piercing.
The little angel babe. She’s in a stage now where she is coming into a new level of awareness, and with that comes frustration at times when she can’t express what she now feels. But we love her and she’ll come through it just fine.
Blessed am I.
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