Launch out into the deep
“He said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets…”
Luke 5:4
I have been amazed at the changes in myself during this past year. I asked to know Him, He has given me a path, and I have launched into the deep.
The path is continual. I admit, I was relieved to see my birthday approaching, that this near-drowning year may end. But in my heart, I have known that any true path of commitment never ends.
My will is, again and again, the greatest gift I can offer. To give something I dearly love and want in order to become what He wants. Trusting that what He has in store is even more right for me than what I so dearly wanted. Trusting that hope and happiness lie ahead.
So, I cast away from the shore, and launch out into the deep. I will let my nets down and trust.
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