A special day

It was a special day today. Our youngest baby was blessed. We bless infants and give them a name, but we do not baptize them until they are eight years old. We don’t believe young children are old enough to be accountable for their sins until that age. They are pure and perfect, and as I held my daughter today, I was overjoyed to be blessed with her perfect little spirit in my life.

It was a wonderful day, and I am so grateful to have her in our home and in our family. She has been one of the greatest blessings of my life, at one of the most difficult times in my life. My heart has undergone a lot of difficult feelings lately, trying to grasp and accept all that has happened and all that has changed. As I held her in my arms today, an overwhelming feeling of love entered my heart. I felt overwhelmed by my love for her, as I felt overwhelmed by my Heavenly Father’s love for both of us. I knew somehow in that quiet moment that everything would be okay, that there was a joyful plan at work.

I am so grateful for our children, who teach us profound lessons with nothing more than their quiet, pure spirits.

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