Why it’s worth it
But what good would my life be if I didn’t try, if I didn’t do my best? It may be a less difficult or less painful life, but I don’t believe it would be worth it.
So in the midst of things being difficult this week, I tried to make a list of everything, just right in this moment, that make it all worth it.
– My daughter in a Sunday dress, bicycle helmet, and knee pads around her elbows (“just in case I fall, Mommy.”)
– This little “Baby Boo” who cannot let me cook without clinging to my legs and poking her head through, just to be near me.
– These four little sillies:
– My 4-year-old, seeing me cough a little, brings me a lint-covered open cough drop. When I ask her where she found it, she tells me, “Under your bed. I saved it there for later.” Then, like a good nurse, she waits there until she sees me eat it.
– When I realize I haven’t seen the girls for a minute, I look for them and find them all in my closet putting on my clothes and shoes.
– My 2-year-old making Santa’s sleigh out of soggy Cheerios on the table this morning.
– This guy:
– He makes a beeline straight to me as soon as he gets home from a meeting to “give mommy a kiss,” and he usually arrives at said “mommy” with four girls clinging for dear life to him.
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