Then and Now
For school we took a field trip into Denver to compare what it used to look like to what it looks like now.
It was just a really neat day as a family. Matt made the girls some books with old photos and questions to answer, and then we went driving and walking.
Coor’s Field location then and now:
Looking at a corner near where Daddy works:
Union Station in the background:
Of course there are a hundred things we looked at and a hundred things I could write. So many things to see.
I have such a fascinating love-hate relationship with this city. I hate so many things that exist in it and because of it. I love it because of what those things have taught me, and how they’ve changed me. Too much to put into words today.
I love being with my family.
There have been a lot of things weighing on my mind ever since we went, but I don’t feel like I can write them right now. And though I know I sound enigmatic, it’s just too much to try to put down in words right now, especially when trying to write about such a beautiful day with the people I love most.
Interactive game with a store window? This is something I never experienced as a child. :)
A beautiful little girl, growing up much too quickly.
Fireworks to celebrate Veteran’s Day…it’s a unique experience and sound in the middle of a city. More of a deafening reminder of what they symbolize, with the sound rocketing off the buildings like that.
Pizza at Anthony’s to top off the day…very fun. :) (I hope my face doesn’t stick like that…)
Blessed am I to have such an incredible family. :)
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